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Pricing Estimator

Use the following calculator to build a plan that works best for you. Click the "Calculate" button at the bottom to get your plan price. Click the question mark link next to any item to get a description.

Calculated Results
Calculated Monthly Price $5.55

Plan Estimator
   Payment option
   Number of licenses
   Number of receive numbers
  Toll-free or local number?
   Prepaid Send Minutes
   Prepaid Receive Pages
   Monthly send archive CD?
   Monthly receive archive CD?

NOTE: There is a one-time $9.95 setup fee for all accounts.

Ready to send and receive online faxes over the Internet?
Get your own virtual online fax number now! You're only a few steps away from sending and receiving online internet faxes from your desktop.

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Don't need to receive faxes? Get a send-only Internet Fax plan by clicking this link:
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